
magento paypal多货币支付 快速支付









主要要修改什么 先在这里说明一下,大家都知道paypal是可以支付多种货币的,关于这点可以下载官网的示例来看,想要改变支付的货币种类 要修改的一个是传给paypal的参数也就是货币符号,另外一个就是价格,虽然magento前台页面以及购物车看到的是日元,关键在于再给paypal传产品价格的时候用的是基础货币,而不是当前货币换算出来的结果,下面我就来发出关键代码,为有需要的同学提供方便


* Order payment
* @param Mage_Sales_Model_Order_Payment $payment
* @param float $amount
* @return Mage_Paypal_Model_Express
public function order(Varien_Object $payment, $amount)
<span style=”white-space:pre”> </span>…
//修改 :去掉getBaseCurrentCurrency() 中的Base
$formatedPrice = $order->getCurrentCurrency()->formatTxt($amount);
<span style=”white-space:pre”> </span>…

* Capture payment
* @param Mage_Sales_Model_Order_Payment $payment
* @param float $amount
* @return Mage_Paypal_Model_Express
public function capture(Varien_Object $payment, $amount)
n style=”white-space:pre”> </span>…
$formatedPrice = $order->getCurrentCurrency()->formatTxt($amount);//修改

n style=”white-space:pre”> </span>…

* Place an order with authorization or capture action
* @param Mage_Sales_Model_Order_Payment $payment
* @param float $amount
* @return Mage_Paypal_Model_Express
protected function _placeOrder(Mage_Sales_Model_Order_Payment $payment, $amount)
$order = $payment->getOrder();

// prepare api call
$token = $payment->getAdditionalInformation(Mage_Paypal_Model_Express_Checkout::PAYMENT_INFO_TRANSPORT_TOKEN);
$api = $this->_pro->getApi()
->setPaypalCart(Mage::getModel(‘paypal/cart’, array($order)))
if ($order->getIsVirtual()) {
} else {

// call api and get details from it

$this->_importToPayment($api, $payment);
return $this;

* Call DoAuthorize
* @param int $amount
* @param Varien_Object $payment
* @param string $parentTransactionId
* @return Mage_Paypal_Model_Api_Abstract
protected function _callDoAuthorize($amount, $payment, $parentTransactionId)
$api = $this->_pro->resetApi()->getApi()

$payment->getAdditionalInformation($this->_authorizationCountKey) + 1

return $api;
* (re)Render all items and totals
protected function _render()
if (!$this->_shouldRender) {

// regular items from the sales entity
$this->_items = array();
foreach ($this->_salesEntity->getAllItems() as $item) {
if (!$item->getParentItem()) {
$lastRegularItemKey = key($this->_items);

// regular totals
$shippingDescription = ”;
if ($this->_salesEntity instanceof Mage_Sales_Model_Order) {
$shippingDescription = $this->_salesEntity->getShippingDescription();
$this->_totals = array(
self::TOTAL_SUBTOTAL => $this->_salesEntity->getSubtotal(),//修改
self::TOTAL_TAX => $this->_salesEntity->getTaxAmount(),//修改
self::TOTAL_SHIPPING => $this->_salesEntity->getShippingAmount(),//修改
self::TOTAL_DISCOUNT => abs($this->_salesEntity->getDiscountAmount()),//修改
} else {
$address = $this->_salesEntity->getIsVirtual() ?
$this->_salesEntity->getBillingAddress() : $this->_salesEntity->getShippingAddress();
$shippingDescription = $address->getShippingDescription();
$this->_totals = array (
self::TOTAL_SUBTOTAL => $this->_salesEntity->getSubtotal(),//修改
self::TOTAL_TAX => $address->getTaxAmount(),//修改
self::TOTAL_SHIPPING => $address->getShippingAmount(),//修改
self::TOTAL_DISCOUNT => abs($address->getDiscountAmount()),//修改
$originalDiscount = $this->_totals[self::TOTAL_DISCOUNT];
* Check the line items and totals according to PayPal business logic limitations
protected function _validate()
$this->_areItemsValid = false;
$this->_areTotalsValid = false;

$referenceAmount = $this->_salesEntity->getGrandTotal();//修改

$itemsSubtotal = 0;
foreach ($this->_items as $i) {
$itemsSubtotal = $itemsSubtotal + $i[‘qty’] * $i[‘amount’];
$sum = $itemsSubtotal + $this->_totals[self::TOTAL_TAX];
if (!$this->_isShippingAsItem) {
$sum += $this->_totals[self::TOTAL_SHIPPING];
if (!$this->_isDiscountAsItem) {
$sum -= $this->_totals[self::TOTAL_DISCOUNT];

* Add a usual line item with amount and qty
* @param Varien_Object $salesItem
* @return Varien_Object
protected function _addRegularItem(Varien_Object $salesItem)
if ($this->_salesEntity instanceof Mage_Sales_Model_Order) {
$qty = (int) $salesItem->getQtyOrdered();
$amount = (float) $salesItem->getPrice();//修改
// TODO: nominal item for order
} else {
$qty = (int) $salesItem->getTotalQty();
$amount = $salesItem->isNominal() ? 0 : (float) $salesItem->getCalculationPrice();//修改
// workaround in case if item subtotal precision is not compatible with PayPal (.2)
$subAggregatedLabel = ”;
if ($amount – round($amount, 2)) {
$amount = $amount * $qty;
$subAggregatedLabel = ‘ x’ . $qty;
$qty = 1;

// aggregate item price if item qty * price does not match row total
if (($amount * $qty) != $salesItem->getRowTotal()) {//修改
$amount = (float) $salesItem->getRowTotal();//修改
$subAggregatedLabel = ‘ x’ . $qty;
$qty = 1;

return $this->addItem($salesItem->getName() . $subAggregatedLabel, $qty, $amount, $salesItem->getSku());

* Add “hidden” discount and shipping tax
* Go ahead, try to understand ]:->
* Tax settings for getting “discount tax”:
* – Catalog Prices = Including Tax
* – Apply Customer Tax = After Discount
* – Apply Discount on Prices = Including Tax
* Test case for getting “hidden shipping tax”:
* – Make sure shipping is taxable (set shipping tax class)
* – Catalog Prices = Including Tax
* – Shipping Prices = Including Tax
* – Apply Customer Tax = After Discount
* – Create a shopping cart price rule with % discount applied to the Shipping Amount
* – run shopping cart and estimate shipping
* – go to PayPal
* @param Mage_Core_Model_Abstract $salesEntity
private function _applyHiddenTaxWorkaround($salesEntity)
$this->_totals[self::TOTAL_TAX] += (float)$salesEntity->getHiddenTaxAmount();//修改
$this->_totals[self::TOTAL_TAX] += (float)$salesEntity->getShippingHiddenTaxAmount();//修改
* Checkout with PayPal image URL getter
* Spares API calls of getting “pal” variable, by putting it into cache per store view
* @return string
public function getCheckoutShortcutImageUrl()
// get “pal” thing from cache or lookup it via API
$pal = null;
if ($this->_config->areButtonsDynamic()) {
$cacheId = self::PAL_CACHE_ID . Mage::app()->getStore()->getId();
$pal = Mage::app()->loadCache($cacheId);
if (-1 == $pal) {
$pal = null;
} elseif (!$pal) {
$pal = null;
try {
$pal = $this->_api->getPal();
Mage::app()->saveCache($pal, $cacheId, array(Mage_Core_Model_Config::CACHE_TAG));
} catch (Exception $e) {
Mage::app()->saveCache(-1, $cacheId, array(Mage_Core_Model_Config::CACHE_TAG));

return $this->_config->getExpressCheckoutShortcutImageUrl(

* Reserve order ID for specified quote and start checkout on PayPal
* @return string
public function start($returnUrl, $cancelUrl)

if (!$this->_quote->getGrandTotal() && !$this->_quote->hasNominalItems()) {
Mage::throwException(Mage::helper(‘paypal’)->__(‘PayPal does not support processing orders with zero amount. To complete your purchase, proceed to the standard checkout process.’));

// prepare API
* Capture the payment online
* Requires an invoice. If there is no invoice specified, will automatically prepare an invoice for order
* Updates transactions hierarchy, if required
* Updates payment totals, updates order status and adds proper comments
* TODO: eliminate logic duplication with registerCaptureNotification()
* @return Mage_Sales_Model_Order_Payment
* @throws Mage_Core_Exception
public function capture($invoice)
if (is_null($invoice)) {
$invoice = $this->_invoice();
return $this; // @see Mage_Sales_Model_Order_Invoice::capture()
$amountToCapture = $this->_formatAmount($invoice->getGrandTotal());//修改
$order = $this->getOrder();

* Decide whether authorization transaction may close (if the amount to capture will cover entire order)
* @param float $amountToCapture
* @return bool
protected function _isCaptureFinal($amountToCapture)
$amountToCapture = $this->_formatAmount($amountToCapture, true);
$orderGrandTotal = $this->_formatAmount($this->getOrder()->getGrandTotal(), true);//修改
if ($orderGrandTotal == $this->_formatAmount($this->getAmountPaid(), true) + $amountToCapture)//修改


if (false !== $this->getShouldCloseParentTransaction()) {
return true;
return false;

* Round price
* @param mixed $price
* @return double
public function roundPrice($price)
{ //类的内容修改为以下: JYP是使用计价货币
return round($price,0);
return round($price, 2);

* Format price with currency filter (taking rate into consideration)
* @param double $price
* @param bool $includeContainer
* @return string
public function formatPrice($price, $includeContainer = true)
{  //重写该类的方法.
if ($this->getCurrentCurrency()) {
return $this->getCurrentCurrency()->format($price, array(‘precision’=>0), $includeContainer);
return $this->getCurrentCurrency()->format($price, array(), $includeContainer);
return $price;


清心醉 administrator

